BUND Leipzig

Whether it is a cool pair of shorts, a new favourite shirt or a new pair of shoes, a lot of new clothes are bought, but they are often produced under environmentally and socially questionable conditions.

Chemicals that are harmful to the environment are often used in the production process, workers suffer health risks in the workplace and are not paid fairly. This can be true of cheap goods as well as expensive designer pieces.

The second-hand market is booming. There are more and more second-hand shops in German cities.

Buying from a Second-Hand shop has many advantages. It is easy on your wallet, because you can usually get clothes for less in second-hand shops. The selection is often bigger and you can find unique pieces, some of which are more individual than the current trend. Second-hand clothes are especially good for children, as they are often more likely to have harmful substances washed out of them than new clothes. But you also have to be careful which shop you choose, as some shops are already very damaged.

Second-hand is also better for the environment. There is less packaging waste and less clothing is produced.


Second-hand shops in Leipzig include ReSales, Humana, Garderobe, Oxfam and Schlaufe.

For an overview of other sustainable options in Leipzig, see our eco-tip map.
