Biene auf gelber Blüte

The BUND Leipzig

BUND Leipzig is based on the work of dedicated volunteers who share their ideas and donate their time to develop a more sustainable and environmentally friendly city. What they all have in common is their motivation and shared concern for nature, environmental protection and the climate crisis.

Our volunteers are organized into different working groups that focus on different topics. They are all represented by a spokesperson and their deputy. Since we are a grassroots democratic organization, our chairman and the entire board are elected every two years by the members of the regional group.

Our office team supports and facilitates in operating and planning our various projects, initiatives, and events.

How to communicate with us

Please be aware that not everyone speaks English. Others may also speak French and/or another language - and of course German. Whether you have just started or are still learning German, please don't hesitate to contact us. We follow the following principle: Communication is more than language. We are looking forward to meeting you! 

How you can get involved

BUND thrives on the diversity and creativity of its members!

Get active with like-minded people about nature and the environment right on your doorstep! Have new experiences and learn more! Share your knowledge and experience! Commit as much or as little time as you like!

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Support and develop our working groups.
  2. Volunteer in the local group next door.
  3. Stay in touch and participate.
  4. Discover topics and projects for us.

Get active and contact us here !

If you're not sure and would like to get to know us first, we offer an informal get-together before each board meeting. Just get in touch and come along next time.

Meet us - Kennlerntreffen

